Flight simulator x flight planner
Flight simulator x flight planner

The trade-off of this new superpower is a lot more preparation and rules. Imagine if you could only fly commercial on sunny days. Commercial jets always fly IFR and can mostly ignore clouds, rain, and fog. You’ve probably flown on commercial jets many times is bad weather. For that, you need an air traffic controller watching you on radar. You also need to not crash into other pilots. You are flying a precise set of rules and routes that keep you from crashing into terrain. When flying IFR, you are flying by instruments, not eyeballs.

flight simulator x flight planner

Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) is the next step. If you’re a weekend aviator looking forward to a hundred-dollar cheeseburger, your hopes may be dashed by low clouds or fog. This is because you’re flying by eyeballs, and when you can’t see it’s as illegal as driving your car with your eyes closed. You cannot fly through a cloud or even come near to one and you need several miles of visibility. In exchange for this freedom, you have limitations. The only exception to this is when passing through airspaces (typically near larger airports) where air traffic controllers manage traffic. You don’t even need to file a flight plan.

#Flight simulator x flight planner license

Much like having a driver’s license where you don’t need anyone’s permission to hop in your car and go someplace, you can generally hop in your plane, fly someplace, change your mind mid-route and go someplace else, all without talking to a soul. If a blinding, torrential downpour rolled in, you’d slow down and pull over. You may have a GPS in your car, but you’re not using it to keep your car on the road. This is the same way you drive your car, looking through your windshield to figure out where to go and only occasionally glancing at your dashboard to make sure you’re not speeding. Pilots first learn to fly VFR (Visual Flight Rules). But it was spread over fifteen years, not six months. At $50 per month, I spent $9000 on karate lessons. For example, I took karate lessons for fifteen years. We’re used to glossing over the cost of our extracurricular activities because they are low cost/long duration activities. This is a high cost/short duration activity. With rentals starting at $200/hour, the rentals alone are $200/hour x 35 hours = $7000. You’ll need to rent an airplane and pay a flight instructor for each of those hours. In the United States, you need a minimum of 35 hours of flight time followed by a check ride to get it. In real life, aspiring pilots start with their Private Pilot License certification. If you want real-world aviation advice, talk to a real-world Certified Flight Instructor.

flight simulator x flight planner

MOSTLY UNNECESSARY DISCLAIMER: I’m just some guy playing a video game, and the info below is for flight sim use only. MSFS 2020 isn’t perfect - many of its aircraft systems lack the sophistication and polish of their X-Plane counterparts - but it does offer the entire world modeled with photo-real weather for you to explore.

flight simulator x flight planner

While we’re all used to too-good-to-be-true video game trailers that never quite materialize in real-life game play, MSFS 2020 actually looks like its awesome trailers. Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 launched last fall and is the sim that we all hoped for.

Flight simulator x flight planner